Friday, January 02, 2015

The columnist Dunman looks back at Louisville in 2014.

A river and state line separate us, but it's one big metro area. The trick is to parse the similarities and differences when concocting revolutionary slogans.

I've never met Joe Dunman, but his columns at Insider Louisville have been consistent revelations by virtue of their unabating relevance. We need more writing like his, not less.

Joe Dunman: From bike lanes to the minimum wage fight — a look back at Louisville in 2014 (Insider Louisville)

Over the past eight months I have penned regular opinion pieces for Insider Louisville, mostly about issues of law and government, and since May I’ve covered a lot of ground. No cause (noble or otherwise) should be pursued without periodic reflection, however, so in that light I present a year-end retrospective of my pontification.

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