Tuesday, December 02, 2014

In reply, John Gonder quite properly references Cassius: "The fault is not in our stars, but in ourselves."

Cribbed from somewhere on the Internetz.

I'm glad John told me about his published reply, as I'd missed it on Sunday. Here's my tip from last week:

Damn it, John Gonder: Help revitalization and small business prospects downtown with two-way streets!

Here are John's thoughts.

Click through and read them all. We wouldn't get any such thoughtful explanation from the current occupant(s), would we?

Glad You Asked

Earlier today I read the NA Confidential blog by Roger Baylor, in which he questions my comments in a News and Tribune article by Daniel Suddeath on the current state of downtown New Albany. Roger felt I had betrayed an unspoken allegiance to a walkable New Albany by not seizing on the opportunity Suddeath offered to bring out the incantation of street conversion in my remarks ...

 ... When Daniel interviewed me, he referred back to some conversations he'd had earlier in the day, or week, with Dave Duggins, and some others. Because I do feel that a walkable New Albany would be a better environment for small and independent businesses, I thought of mentioning the conversion of one-way to two-way streets, since, as I said, I believe such a conversion brings us closer to that goal. Somehow or another, Daniel and I got on to another aspect of his question about what government can do to help stem the loss of businesses downtown, or to create a more fertile field in which to grow new businesses downtown.

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