Sunday, December 13, 2009

Not only that, Patricia, but I get paid for it, too.

The following letter to the editor appeared in last week’s Tribune, perhaps on Tuesday, although it was not archived on-line.

Note the header, and the complete absence of a connection between it and the muddled thinking of the writer. What if I titled this post, "Another satisfied reader of NA Health?"

Three cheers to Mr. Dave Matthews

I thought of writing several times, but couldn’t come up with enough 12- to 15-letter words that would meet Mr. Columnist’s standards. Yes, he has his rights via the First Amendment, but to me the garbage he writes is legal slander. I can’t believe the paper continues to let him use them. They should tell him to shape up or ship out.

If he finds New Albany and its people such a bad and corrupt place to live, he should pack his bags and be on the next plane to a place that acts and thinks as he does.

P.S. As I believe there is some good in everyone, his article on his trip to Germany was readable.

--Patricia Elliott, Sellersburg
Er, if it's slander as such, then it's illegal, as opposed to legal, right?

Moreover, isn’t it amazing how often we hear Americans thundering about the Constitution when it comes to saving a few bucks in taxes to buy more plastic Chinese trinkets at Wal-Mart, but when the notion of free speech comes into play, speedily tossing the holy founding document aside like so much used toilet paper?


bayernfan said...

It's not surprising...last week, Shirley Baird wrote a letter critical of one written by a Mrs. Schad. The Trib headline? "Baird gives thumbs up to Schad letter" although nothing could be further from the truth. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

dan chandler said...
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