Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Take it from Rollen.

It's that old time championship rasslin' type of day when the Tribune's publishersteve tweets:

Hmm? To run Denhart letter next to Roger Baylor column tomorrow or not? Of course! That's why I manage a local newspaper and not Fox News.

Two can play this game.

What does the photo above have to do with any of this?

What did the man wearing the Afro wig ever do to land in prison?

And what about the rapture?

Read my column tomorrow and find out.


Jeff Gillenwater said...

In the true spirit of athletic challenge, you need to negotiate a new contract.

The New Albanian said...

You have that right, BG. I'm the biggest bargain in town. That needs to change.

Daniel S said...

So I can't tell if you're being serious. Are you upset that your column would be beside Denhart's letter? I've read both, they don't have much to do with each other so I don't see the harm.

The New Albanian said...

I'm not upset at all. Just playing along with the touting game.

Daniel S said...

I'm upset because I don't know what touting means. I did enjoy your column, though I'm a church goer. I think your main blasphemy is that puke yellow A's hat.

Ann said...

Wasn't there an SNL skit once about Rollen?