Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Highwayman sez: "The (Greenway) bridge issues over both Silver Creek and the Ohio River ... closer to being resolved sensibly."

I'm really glad that Lloyd reminded me of his Friday posting, because I couldn't attend last Thursday's workshop on Greenway progress. Here is the Highwayman's report on the session:

A 6 p.m. workshop update on New Albany's Greenway project was held prior to the regular council gathering last evening and there was good news to report. The bridge issues over both Silver Creek and the Ohio River seem to be closer to being resolved sensibly.

The current plan is to use the abandoned railroad bridge at the Loop Island trail to connect us to Clarksville and postpone the idea of a vehicular bridge over Silver Creek for now. It appears that common sense finally floated to the surface.

It was also reported that the K & I Bridge connection is getting ever closer to a reality as well. All of that is still a year plus into the future but at least the conversation is more in the "gonna happen" sphere. One can only hope it stays that way ...

We expect retired dual councilpersons Schmidt & Schmidt to readying their Bics for the certain self-immolation to come, given that senior citizens should not be required to walk 75 yards outside the air-conditioned confines of their cars, and who cares if 40+ acres of wetlands is bulldozed in favor of a bridge, but in any event, for the rest of Lloyd's observations, go here: A Few Notes from the 6-19-08 NA Council Meeting.

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