Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sunday Blue Light Backfill Special: Three good Tribune reads.

You can be sure that the New Albany Tribune is on the right track when the city’s most shameless of trognonymous bloggers begins attacking it for presumed bias – on behalf of folks (s)he detests, and against the saintly Auntie V:

The New Albany Tribune deserves an award for being a One sided local news paper that will only print what the current adminstration wants printed … And you Sir, Mr. Campbell have done a greater disservice to Valla Ann Bolovschak a successful business owner, a citizens advocate and taxpayer of New Albany.

Someone call the spelling, grammar and syntax police; Erika appears to be having another “Cupid’s arrow” moment. Can Fantasy Island be far behind?

Meanwhile, for the non-apoplectically minded, there here are three highly worthwhile reads in today’s Sunday edition:

Famous big band booked for New Albany Speakeasy; Glenn Miller Orchestra playing State Street jazz club’s opening, by Eric Scott Campbell.

Brad Tharp wanted a big-name jazz ensemble to open his New Albany club, so he got on the horn … Tharp called the Glenn Miller Orchestra, which has toured virtually nonstop for 50 years, after he got approval to launch Speakeasy in a vacant State Street building downtown.

COPAS: Kathy’s rules of order, by guest columnist Kathy Copas.

A couple of months ago, I attended my first New Albany City Council meeting. A blogger neighbor of mine suggested I go. He made a great point one night, during a front porch rocking chair conversation, that it’s important to go at least once if you’re someone who lives in and truly supports New Albany moving forward.

ALTON: City Council? Not this time, by guest columnist John Alton.

I was originally considering a run for the 4th District City Council in New Albany as a Democrat, and had intended to file. I withdrew in favor of Pat McLaughlin when I learned that he had filed, and I saw where he had barely lost in the last election to Kochert. I did intend to run as an Independent, but with the death of my mother in February, it took a lot out of me, and it took the steam out of the effort.


Iamhoosier said...

Don't you get tired of reading that the Council was "not aware of the facts"?

Can't they read? Do they not care? Are they lazy? Can they not comprehend? If Valla Ann had access to a copy, surely the Council members could have too. Why isn't Erik(a)pounding on the Council about that? Or, perhaps, the Council had seen it and did not view it the same way as the twins.

Jeff Gillenwater said...

The city's annual financial report appeared in the Tribune months ago, as did a story about it on March 1.

Another story about the audit, highlighting many of the same results as Bolovshak did during Kochert's hypocritical allowance, appeared in the Tribune on May 10. It was reported as improvement with some problems remaining. That's exactly what it was.

What Bolovschak and crew either don't understand or refuse to acknowledge is that the city's financial condition continues to improve under the Garner administration.

Several of the deficits they inherited on day one of their stint have either been corrected or have diminished.

If Bolovshak were truly concerned with helping anyone understand, she'd use her much touted London School of Economics education to explain that. Instead, she hurls months old public information, even if it's good news, as criminal allegations.

It's bullshit and she knows it. It's the same thing she did last year and Kay Garry called her on it again.

As the New Albanian rightly declared at the meeting in question, her performances amount to nothing more than shameless pandering to those who are too ignorant to know the difference.

Unfortunately, 3rd district CM Steve Price, who used a good portion of his speaking time to both defend Bolovshak and to ridiculously protest that his prior seconding of a motion to have Garry and others investigated was NOT an allegation of wrongdoing, falls into that category.