Thursday, May 10, 2007

3rd district: Mandate for change vs. plumb mud stuck?

Yesterday I received a post-election report alleging that following last week’s 3rd council district candidate debate, members of the Steve Price entourage were telling area renters that candidate Charlie Harshfield regarded them as, ahem ... shall I say ... subhuman.

While plausible given the vacuity of the incumbent’s customary antics, such stories are difficult to verify, and of course a brief survey of American political history reveals far more numerous examples of political trash talk, the slinging of mud and the telling of lies – here and elsewhere in a nation that we’re often told is the last, best hope for mankind.

Interestingly, in their debate statements the challengers Harshfield and Maury Goldberg both openly embraced an aggressive reform package with regard to the city’s rental properties, one that would include registrations and inspections.

Price’s response was to ineffectually mumble old platitudes about personal hygiene and his long forgotten cleanliness ordinance, which in effect has been rendered moot by his own congenital refusal while on the council to aid, assist and fund the cause of citywide ordinance enforcement.

In the end, almost two-thirds of the Democratic vote in the 3rd District was cast for one or the other challenger, something that strongly suggests that Price is in the minority on most campaign issues in spite of whatever dubious tactics he may (or may not) have employed.

Did Price have this stark repudiation in mind when he told newspaper reporters that his threadbare margin of victory indicated that the people of his district favor change?

Frankly, I doubt it. The change that Price speaks of is “spare change,” not the more valuable variety that genuinely commands the ability to change lives for the better.

As ever, he's penny wise, future foolish.


A question subsequently was asked of me:

“How does an opponent respond to lies (like the subhuman renter analogy), as well as to the sort of promises a politician makes knowing full well that the allegations are false and the promises are impossible to keep?”

I believe that the best response to provocations of this sort is for the opposing candidate to retain his or her passion and integrity, to conduct his or her campaign with dignity, to respect the ability of people to “get it,” and above all else, to simply tell the truth. If the listener is unable to fathom it, and insists on believing the palpably untrue, it’s a vote you probably didn’t have a chance of securing in the first place.

Councilman Price now advances to November. He may well have done so with the help of a few tall tales about his opponents, and that’s just good ol' boy politics. However, as opposed to convenient fabrications about renters, progressives, the city's debt limit and other forays into the realm of Pinocchio, Tuesday’s 3rd district numbers simply don’t lie.

The incumbent has nothing remotely resembling a mandate.

The only question is whether he’s sufficiently astute to see it.


Iamhoosier said...

Not sure how many days of non posting for the blind as a bat "My Vision" blog. You would think that he could put up a "Thank You" for the 1 out of 3 who voted for him and got him elected.

Christopher D said...

This "report" you received clearly serves as an illustration of who will be one of the biggest hurdles we as a city will have to over come should a rental inspection program be implemented in the code enforcements bag of tricks.
When a candidate, any candidate in my opinion has to resort to mud slinging, to me all that says is he/she has nothing good to say about themselves and instead must bring mistrust and slander to the table for their adversaries.
I am not sure if I stated this in another thread, but I am afraid the slipperly larry K legacy will live on through your districts councilman....I hope I am wrong, because as another person stated, it is not only the third district that will not only be properly represented, but the city as a whole loses a credible vote.

All4Word said...

All I can say is that Mr. Price has some astute campaign strategists. Despite the fact that he was scared spitless by the double-barreled opposition of the district's progressives and the district's just-plain-fed-up faction, he had his pull-quote ready.

He claims that he was surprised that his margin was so narrow. Now that's whistling past the graveyard. And I thought Maury had the most chutzpah!

All4Word said...

New Albany lost a good man today. Rick Carmickle, our friend, passed away after a complication from surgery.

Please remember Karen and Rick's kids in your thoughts and prayers.

Rick was nobody's fool. Plainspoken and proudly New Albanian, he will be sorely missed.

Rick recognized bullshit when he saw it and was devoted to making this city all that it could be. He recently completed a project, at no cost, that will serve to preserve a vital historical document at our public library. And that was the least of his contributions to our gang.

Last year, Rick put his name and reputation on the line, running for public office, at great sacrifice to himself and his family.

Rick's health problems were manageable, but when God decides it's time to come home, it's time.

Karen, we love you.

I know Roger will elevate this news to the marquee as soon as he hears of it. Please, even if you did not know Rick, join his friends when we learn the details of any memorial service.

I'm hoisting one to my friend. Rick, buddy, I will miss you more than you will ever know. You've been a friend when others didn't have the stones.

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

Sorry to hear about Mr. Carmickel and our prayers and condolences to his family.

In the vein of this posting, Roger, I only ask you give him a chance and talk with him often.


The New Albanian said...

Yvonne, you name the place, and we'll talk to the incumbent. Let's try and make it somewhere with good beer -- or I can bring some.

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

As I don't travel his social circles, I'm not too sure where Mr. Price "hangs" out. He performs a lot for the American Legions and the VFW, neither of which I have attended.

I just call him up -- I'm bad about that...letting my fingers do my walking!

Now meeting up with the candidate, you'd be having to set that on his grounds -- certainly not mine. He stops around every now and then; hey, what do I know?

We'll get you some in at Hughies, have our good Cigar and invite our prospective candidate; nah, that wouldn't work...we could only talk between sets on a Friday night...I've got this thing for extremely fine fiddling playing!

Peace, New Albanian, and all of Rick's friends and families.