Saturday, June 18, 2005

Historical Preservation Commission philosophical over the loss of the Pennsylvania Railroad Freight Depot

Sad but not entirely unexpected news comes to us from Ted Fulmore, chairman of the Historical Preservation Commission, who read "First Schmitt warehouse disappears from Scribner Place project zone" earlier this week in NA Confidential.

Obviously, we’ve lost in our effort to save the Pennsylvania Railroad Freight Depot.

The team that was working on the proposal to save the building consisted of representatives from the Commission, Historic Landmarks, and DNA. Their efforts should be commended. However, the work done was not in vain, as it has served as a learning experience for all involved.

Ultimately, the City decided to remove the building. The Commission supports the decision. We lament the loss of this structure but acknowledge the extreme importance of the Scribner Place project to New Albany.

This loss stands in contrast to the incredible success we saw during the month of May. The dedication of three historical markers, walking tours of Downtown and Mansion Row, preservation workshops, public forums – events that brought hundreds of people to New Albany. This was a celebration of the assets we have as well as way to raise awareness.

The Commission will continue its mission to preserve the historic character and fabric of New Albany. The remaining challenges facing the Commission, and all who support progress in New Albany, will be to continue the momentum we now have – working as advocates for New Albany, learning from our experiences, and proactively looking for new ways to advance our cause.

Ted, thanks so much for the update. We all appreciate the work performed by the commission, and look forward to a continuing expansion of its mission and influence locally.

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